Woodlands Conservancy works to preserve and restore forested wetlands and other ecologically or historically significant lands in Louisiana via placement of a conservation servitude on the property or by fee title acquisition. If you are interested in protecting your land for future generations, please contact us to discuss options further. TAX BENEFITS

Woodlands Preserve is a 650-acre forested wetland that is managed primarily for the conservation and enhancement of native vegetation for the benefit of wildlife and the thousands of resident and migratory birds that depend on this pocket of forest. The property serves as a natural sponge to absorb runoff and as a windbreak during storm events.
Additionally, Woodlands Conservancy developed over 11 miles of trails for hiking, running and horseback riding. The Bottomland Trail leads to a grouping of 10 World War II Ammunition Magazines. The trails are free and open to the public from dawn to dusk. Woodlands Conservancy is not government funded. It relies on memberships and donations from trail users and supporters to maintain and improve the trail system.

Delacroix Preserve is comprised of 5ive contiguous properties that total 190-acres of forested wetlands. The properties are located in the Lower Coast Algiers community of Orleans Parish. Woodlands Conservancy acquired the property in 2012. Woodlands Conservancy worked for several years to remove non-native, invasive vegetation and reforest with native trees and understory plants to benefit wildlife and migratory birds. Volunteers are able to visit the property when participating in Bird Surveying, Vegetation assessments or tree planting activities when available. The property is not open to the public.