Leave a legacy for future generations.
Thanks to a match provided by the Richard West Freeman Foundation, Woodlands Conservancy now has a growing endowment fund at the Greater New Orleans Foundation.
Help us continue to grow the Woodlands Conservancy Endowment Fund to reach our $100,000 goal.
Thank you to those who have contributed to our Endowment Fund to ensure our sustainability!
Rebecca Altobelli through Chevron Humankind Program
In memory of Lourdes Armbruster
Aurora Garden Club
Charlene Avocato
In honor of Michael H. Bagot
Albert & Lynda Banta
Belle Chasse Primary – Fourth Grade, Mrs. Newchurch’s class
Don & Monique Bennett
Dr. Bill & Katie Brasted
Jacob & Erin Braud
Colin & Vonda Brooks
John & Anne Cain
M.N. Carmichael – IMO Andrew Whitley
Suzanne Chabaud
Timothy Chauvin
Cossich, Sumich, Parsiola & Taylor, LLC
Keith Deane
Phyllis Ditta
Dan & Bev Dreiling
Lee Dupont
Lawrence & Tatjana Eustis
In memory of Josephine Ferlita
Marjorie Freyer – IMO Andrew Whitley
Daybrook Fisheries
English Turn Garden Club
Gulf Coast Bank & Trust
Martha B. Gunther
Bill Hall
Ronnie C. Harris
Rufus C. Harris
Carol J. Jung
Harry S. Kaufman, III
Russell Kennedy – IMO Andrew Whitley
Patricia Kes
William Knipmeyer
Patricia Lejeune – IMO Andrew Whitley
Robert Lemon
Oladimeji F. Mosadomi
Glenn Orgeron
Jamie Manders and James Riopelle
Alfred Manz
Andrew Mayer, M.D.
McMoRan Exploration
Mignon Faget – proceeds from sales of Mignon Faget Palmetto
David Muth
Dennis Nuss
Robin W. Pannagl
Beverly Peluso – IMO Andrew Whitley
Dick and Dot Piner
Pivach, Pivach, Hufft, Thriffiley & Dunbar, LLC – IMO Andrew Whitley
Charles & Betty Poche
Heidi Poche
The Riverside Hotel
Carl and Katie Rosenblum
Carl & Katie Rosenblum – IMO Andrew Whitley
Rob Salus
In memory of John Reeder
Neal Sivula – IMO Andrew Whitley
Gary N. Solomon, Crescent Bank & Trust
Curtis C. Sorrells
Ann Stevens
Bobbie Stockwell
Andrew Strickler – IMO Andrew Whitley
Joseph Tumminello
John Twitty – IMO Andrew Whitley
Borden and Sara Wallace
Andrew and Lucie Whitley
Lori & Brian Wynne